Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian ***

by Sherman Alexie
Illustrated by Ellen Fornay
copyright 2007
Published by Little, Brown and Company / Machette Book Groups - First Edition
pages 230

This is a book for teenagers, a coming of age book. And in that sense, there is nothing new here. You have the nerdy main character who's trying to escape his impoverished community. You have the bully/tough guy character who none the less is friends with the nerdy Indian (Junior, which is the name of many Indians on the reservation). But the twist is that it all happens on an Indian reservation and a small town high school. So he's torn between his people and his new friends and opportunities. His tough best friend, Rowdy, is enraged and heartbroken that Junior would leave the 'Rez'.

So the story is basically how he gets along with his Native American peers in the rez and how he gets along with his white peers at the white high school he decided to go to. Along the way, some tragic event happen, that help him reunite and rebond with his estranged tribe.

Like I said, nothing new here except the characters being Native American, the setting being on a reservation. The funny illustration, he wants to be a cartoonist, good writing and a well crafted story.

Highly recommended to any teenagers you might know (warning - there is some language issues and sexual concepts are discussed).

here's a video where Mr. Sherman speaks.

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